Roofscapes featured in a comic book

June 2024


Roofscapes proposal redrawn in the illustrated investigation "and for a few degrees cooler"

Every summer, heat waves like the one we've been experiencing in Paris for the past few days remind us of the mission at the heart of our approach: to adapt roofs to a changing climate, particularly by shading them to protect those living on the top floors from overheating due to solar radiation. Many thanks to Cécile Cazenave and Fabien Roché for including and redrawing Roofscapes' proposal in their "And for a few degrees cooler" illustrated investigation, alongside the fascinating and complementary approaches of Andréane Valot for creating links between dwellers, Alexandre Florentin for imagining new jobs that support heat wave adaptation, and Raphaël Ménard and Olivier Campagne for working with what's already there.